Wat Wetawan…Whaaat?

I swear I’ll be working in Thailand, and not just lying on the beach.

My volunteer placement is at Wat Wetawan School, an elementary school with 1700 students and 45 teachers. I will be teaching English to the 2nd-6th graders, who know far more English than I know Thai (not saying much. but they are fairly advanced!). We will help teach the students, but also assist with the teachers’ English skills as well. From what I’ve gathered, the students love to sing. They may change their minds after I lead a round of “Old MacDonald.” Maybe we’ll stick to charades…

That’s all I know at this point; I can’t wait to meet the kids and get started with my volunteer placement!

One response to “Wat Wetawan…Whaaat?

  1. Abby:

    Great journal and photos. The prices are so low, Papa might want to tour Thailand. He’d be a natural with the language, too.

    I understand your tour will include Hong Kong and the international 7-aside tournament. Some of my team mates played in that tournament in years (generations) past. In fact, I understand a few of the sons of my old buddies may be playing.

    But beware of rugby players and the ilk that travels with them. Rugby players (with the exception of your Uncle Richie) represent one of the lower life forms and can be dangerous.

    Glad your adventure is going well, and be safe.

    Your family in Atlanta

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